Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Messages from the Heartland

Here are some thoughts that I have after the February 7 primary/caucuses:
1.  There is still a definite "anybody but Romney" feeling out there.
2.  People are not impressed with negative campaigning.
3.  People in the Midwest do not buy into the "electability" mantra.
4.  Folks are seeing Santorum as a better choice than Gingrich as the "anti-Romney".
5.  People did not want the race to be over yet.
6.  People care about character and faith.
7.  People know that Obamacare is a huge issue, and Santorum is the best spokesman against it.
8.  The Tea Party is not as dead as the media portray it.
9.  Last night's results indicate what would happen if voters are not swayed by ads.
10.  There are plenty of informed GOP'ers in the Midwest who are not swayed by the media.
I would love to hear if you have any additional thoughts.  Please leave a comment.


  1. 10/10 in your comments.

    Additional thoughts:

    11) Romney is in trouble, losing two states he won comfortably in 2008 (and not even managing second in MN).

    11a) Paul could win Maine while Romney is recovering from this setback.

    12) Santorum definitely picks up a lot of momentum as the anti-Romney candidate moving into AZ and MI.

  2. 13. The recent issues regarding Planned Parenthood, gay marriage, and contraception may have driven some to the social issues candidate.
    14. Rush Limbaugh's positive comments about Santorum lately may have had an impact.
