Sunday, February 19, 2012

US Constitution Limitations

  I heard a so-called expert on the Constitution say today that it is an outdated document because it does not relate to today's realities.  He went on to say that the Constitution was flawed because it did not contain articles which related to issues such as entitlements and healthcare. 
  I would first of all say that the great thing about the Constitution is its limitations.  It LIMITS the reach of the Federal government.  That is what it was intended to do.  The framers of the Constitution wanted to make sure the Federal government did not become too powerful.
  But I take you back to the gentleman's comment.  Does his comment not indicate that many of the things which our country has established over the years are NOT constitutional..  I do not think he intended to do so, but I think he admitted that we have strayed far away from the Constitution over the years.  I agree.

1 comment:

  1. Our Constitution is the main obstical stopping the Progressive agenda.
