Thursday, February 9, 2012

Good Economic News? Hmmm.

   I see this morning that the number of new applicants for unemployment benefits has gone down.  The media once again rejoice.  Conversation turns to talk about how the economy has turned the corner.  Polls come out saying President Obama's job approval numbers are on the rise.  Polls say a larger percentage of people blame President Bush for the recession.  Am I surprised?  Not in the least.
   My recollections of Bush's eight years as President are that after 9/11 we were in dire straits in our economy.  In the subsequent years, the Bush economy got progressively better, eventually having unemployment numbers which by all accounts was considered "full employment".  Then we got near the time for another Presidential election. In the year or so before the election, the economy tanked.  This was largely due to Democrats insisting that banks had to give loans to people who could not afford them.  President Bush is only at fault for letting it happen, even though he made repeated efforts to warn Congress of the effects such policies would have.  Wall Street took advantage of the situation, so they are not innocent bystanders.  What was the result?  A Democrat President.  A very liberal Democrat President.  My point is that a very sound argument can be made that the Democrats manipulated the economy to get their candidate elected.
   Now we enter a new election year, and what do we see?  An improving economy.  Or at least it is an economy that APPEARS to be improving.  We have gone through three pitiful years of a lousy economy, and now that President Obama is up for re-election, lo, and behold, Americans are seeing rays of hope again. In the famous words of Gomer Pyle, "Surprise!  Surprise!  Surprise!"  If this improvement is legitimate, it only shows that our economy is incredible resilient.  It can survive even all the efforts of the Obama administration to stifle and destroy it.  You could even make the argument that the Tea Party's efforts to stop the Obama agenda has had a positive impact by not allowing the administration to get their way.  There is another explanation.  The numbers may be manipulated to make the economy only appear to be improving.  The people running the numbers are not supposed to be influenced by politics, but I, for one, do not have faith in that system.  Over one million people recently disappeared from the potential American work force.  That is a pretty incredible number considering our population does not decrease with time. Such a loss in the work force made the unemployment rate decrease to 8.3%.   Rush Limbaugh has been predicting that the economic numbers would be looking better in year leading up to the election.  I think his take on this is proving to be correct.
   It remains necessary for informed citizens to make sure their friends and neighbors understand just how important it is for this country to have a new President.  And it should be a President who is committed to eliminating the obstacles which have been put up to muzzle the economy.  People should also know how important it is that we retain control of the US House of Representatives and gain control of the US Senate.  We do not need all kinds of organization to do this.  Individuals can do their part in inspiring  others to be passionate about doing something to bring America back to greatness.  This costs nothing but time and effort.  Talk to people.  Use the social media.  Start your own blog.  Share this and other blogs which promote the kind of government envisioned by our Founding Fathers.  Make a difference.

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