Saturday, February 4, 2012

Religion and Politics

It certainly has been an interesting last few days. Issues related to the Christian religion have been plentiful. President Obama used a prayer breakfast to promote his tax policy, complete with quotes from Scripture used to justify his position. Komen Foundation announced that they would no longer fund Planned Parenthood, and this was applauded by pro-lifers. The anti-lifers, backed by our always-liberal mainstream media, put up such a stink that Komen reversed themselves, saying they would continue the present grants to that organization. In addition, there is the story about how the Obama administration insists that Catholic organizations provide contraception resources to their employees as part of their healthcare plans which violate their religious beliefs.
The media have unleashed all their resources to cover the Komen story. On the other hand, the Catholic story is just marginally mentioned. I guess there are a few positives which come out of this. One, the American public should have become aware of the type of attack journalism that is out there. Two, more of the American public is now aware that the Komen Foundation funds Planned Parenthood and can make better-informed decisions about where they want their charitable donations to go.
As to the President's use of Scripture, I may share more later on that.

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