Friday, March 2, 2012


Five well-respected leaders of mainstream religions reluctantly testified before a Congressional hearing because the HHS mandate is violating their beliefs and their freedom of religion.
One unknown women's rights activist coed testifies before another committee saying she needs to have her contraceptives provided to her because she cannot afford them. She wants them free so she can continue having sex. As far as I know, she is not married.
Which of these people gets the most attention? Which one gets a call from the President? Which one is portrayed by the liberal media as the biggest victim? Which one gets the most respect from the President and the liberal media? The answer is obvious.
It is all an attempt to deflect the attention from the issue being one of religious freedom to one of what somehow gets described as women's healthcare, which wasn't threatened in the first place. It's also part of the strategy being used by the Obama re-election campaign.

1 comment:

  1. It makes me sick. Our moral values have declined so much!!!
