Friday, March 30, 2012

Believe in Yourself?

I am not a fan of the phrase, "Believe in yourself". Although I do not think there is any conspiracy on the part of any person or people (except Satan himself), I do feel that the promotion of this type of mentality is not a good thing. Just think of that phrase for a minute. It doesn't say "Believe in God" or "Believe in Jesus", it says "Believe in yourself".
I prefer to think of myself as being a unique child of God who has been blessed by that God with the traits and abilities that I have. I also know that I am a miserable sinner. God has also rescued me from my shortcomings by sending His Son to die in my place. It follows from that thinking that I want to use my God-given talents to serve Him.
I guess that in the secular world, some sort of other motivation must be used to inspire someone to do their best, and that seems to be why this phrase is used.
To me, it seems so sad that this nation which sometimes proclaims to be "under God", has morphed into such a secular country. Most of our children are in school environments where the mention of God is discouraged and teachers are forbidden to discuss Him.
What can we do about this? Christian families need to take a larger role in passing their faith on to their children. Sometimes, unfortunately, parents will need to correct the teachings they are getting from the government schools. Those that have the option of sending their children to a Christian school (and I think Lutheran schools are the best) should make every effort to send their children there. Churches should also find ways to assist families in teaching Christian beliefs and values to their children. If the government is to get involved in any way, it should be to get out of the way and allow the freedom of religion to thrive.
At the very least, we should not get caught up in promoting a "Believe in yourself" mentality, unless it always accompanied by an intentional explanation that "yourself" is a sinful, but redeemed and blessed child of God. We should also teach that a proper response to any successes in life to be glorifying the God who made it possible.

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