Monday, September 10, 2012

Time to Wake Up, America!

   I have recently been made more aware of many aspects of the Islam religion.  Here are some thoughts:
  • Islam is not a religion of peace.  I disagree with both Presidents Bush and Obama on this.  It is in the tenets of this religion that everyone in it should be about the business of making it the only acceptable religion.  The concept of jihad is not just a personal struggle for individual Muslims.  It is an intentional effort to eliminate all infidels from the earth.
  • It is a goal of every Muslim to make the nation in which they live into a Muslim nation.  That includes the USA. The Muslims are also succeeding in this effort all over the world.  When a Muslim immigrates to our country, they do not come because of what America has to offer, it is because they want to take over our country.  I think Muslim immigration is the most dangerous type of immigration in America.....and it is legal.
  • Because of the alms tenet in their religion, the Muslims have an almost unlimited amount of funds to spend on the spread of their religion.  Mosques are being built all over America and are being funded by the powers that run the Islam religion.  Many times, they are purchasing defunct Christian churches and turning them into mosques.
  • The birth rate among Muslims is much higher than that among other Americans.  This is intentional.  At the same time, many efforts are being made in our country to keep the birth rate down.
  • The largest increases in the Muslim population in America are in the area surrounding Washington, D.C.  This also is intentional.
  • Many Muslim men come to America, entice American women with their material wealth, marry them, become citizens, and then proceed to either subjugate them to the ways women are treated within Islam or divorce them.
  • The treatment of women by Muslim men is appalling.  To make matters worse, women are not believed to have any hope for a pleasant afterlife.  They are destined for hell.  Talk about a War on Women.
  • All over our country, prayer rooms for Muslims are being provided in our government schools, as well as a time which is being dedicated for the Muslim students to say their appointed prayers.  At the same time, Christians are denied prayer.  It is all done with the idea that we Americans should not offend others, especially the Muslims.  Political correctness is an incredible blessing to Muslims.
  • There are some pretty amazing similarities between Islam and Mormonism.  To me, it is incredibly frightening that America is now facing a choice between a Mormon and a person who at the very least is incredibly sympathetic to Islam.  Many of President Obama's actions cause one to suspect that he may just be claiming to be a Christian while actually being a Muslim.
  • It is incredibly hard for a Muslim to make the commitment to leave their religion and join another when the Muslim doctrine is that they should be killed for doing so.
  • One only needs to look back in history to see that the Muslim threat to Christianity has occurred before.  One of these times occurred during the time of the Reformation.  During Martin Luther's time, the Turks were a real threat to Europe.  The Roman Catholic Church was in moral decay.  I believe God was calling on His people to repent and return to Him.  It indeed was time for the church to return to the teachings of the Word of God.  I believe the same types of problems are evident in America and the rest of the world today.  Just look at the policies which are contrary to God's Word which are being implemented in our country.  I believe we are once again being called to repentance and a return to the Word of God.  
  • The Crusades have gotten a bad rap.  The Crusades were an effort to stop Muslim aggression which was threatening Christianity.  I cannot help but wonder if another Crusade-like effort will have to be made to suppress this aggression again.
   It is time for Christians in America to wake up.  It is also time for Christians to share their faith with Muslims.  We know that God can do amazing things through His Word.

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