Friday, September 7, 2012

Reflection on Ketchup

Just some thoughts related to a story I saw on schools which have limited students to one packet of ketchup in their school lunches.
  • Why are schools giving ketchup in packets instead of distributing it in a bottle of some sort.  It seems to me that schools would have to spend more money on ketchup by purchasing it in packets.
  • Don't the packets add to the amount of trash which is generated by the school lunch program.  Wouldn't the environmentalists be upset with this?
  • As a former teacher, it was my experience that ketchup was distributed in squirt bottles, and, for the most part, a teacher was responsible for putting the ketchup on the food according to the student's request.  A teacher was the one who determined the amount of ketchup which was used.
  • Wouldn't Senator Kerry be upset with this policy?
  • I would have never liked having students getting ketchup in packets.  First of all, teachers would have often been asked to help young students open those packets.  Also, I always considered a packet of ketchup in the hands of a student was an invitation to mischief.  I always considered a ketchup packet to be a potential ketchup launcher.
  • It is a sad state of affairs when the government gets involved in the distribution of ketchup in schools.  
  • I have eaten the commodities which are part of school lunch programs.  It is pretty horrible stuff.  I cannot blame students for wanting to cover up the taste with ketchup.
  • Isn't ketchup a vegetable?
  • Is mustard also included in this limitation?  What about salt and pepper?  
  • Maybe entrepreneurial students will find ways to make money by starting up a black market ketchup business.

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