Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Reverend's Regret

   Rev. Jesse Jackson indicated this week that he thinks that the Creator maybe should not have been mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.  I keep wondering why he would think that.  I know he is not a godless person.  Here are some possibilities, none of which I would consider acceptable:
  • Mentioning the Creator would not be the politically correct thing to do.  It would possibly offend someone.
  • It does not fit into the storyline that the Founders wanted a distinct separation of church and state in the operation of our government.
  • It does not fit into the educational policy of insisting that our public schools teach evolution, and only evolution, to the students of America.
  • It does not fit with the left's insistence upon the woman's right to choose an abortion.  If a Creator gives the right to life, then how do you justify taking away the life of an innocent little one.  If a government gives the rights, then the government can take them away also.
  • Having a Creator granting the rights to people takes away the possibility that a government can give additional rights to people.  
   One thing seems so puzzling to me.  Why would someone with a "Rev." in front of his name be the one to object to this?

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