Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Government as a Moral Authority

I have had some interesting conversations with some liberals lately. In fact, it has been quite enlightening for me. I have come to a new understanding about how they think. Let me explain.
I recently asked someone if they consider sins described in the Bible to still be considered sins. The answer I received was that, although this person acknowledged the Ten Commandments to be always applicable, sin is now to be considered those actions which are determined by the community to be sinful. In other words, PEOPLE determine morality, not GOD. This would explain why liberals, even liberal Christians, can justify endorsing the gay lifestyle, for example, which is pretty clearly described as a sinful behavior in Scripture. I find this perspective to be not only interesting, but also deeply disturbing. With this outlook, the Bible is no longer the source of Truth and God becomes marginalized. Also, with this viewpoint, Jesus can be revised into a "feel good" personality, useful in proclaiming that those who still consider the Moral Law of the Bible as still relevant to be uncaring and even hateful.
If you follow this logic, the natural extension of this philosophy is to make the government the "community" which would make those decisions to determine what the morals of this country should be. This would certainly explain many things which have been occurring in our country. The recent HHS decision to mandate contraceptives even to religious organizations in opposition to their consciences. Religious organizations would have no place in determining morality for folks who think the government should determine morality.
Maybe in the long run, the fact that social issues has been introduced recently into the political debate will become a good thing. It may just instill into mainstream Christianity the urgency to devote greater energy into teaching their Biblical doctrines to their members. It already has provided an arena in which Christians have had opportunities to share their beliefs with others.

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