Yesterday, there was a story about a child in a government school who brought a lunch made by the mother, only to have it deemed unacceptable. Then the child was required to be given the lunch provided by the school lunch program. It is my understanding that the lunch the mother made consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich, potato chips, a banana, and apple juice. I don't know about you, but if I, as a teacher, saw a child eating such a lunch, I would be very satisfied. In this case, the school lunch consisted of the required types of foods, and the result was that the child ended up eating three chicken nuggets. The story I read made it appear that the child chose not to eat anything else on the tray. One other side comment:. I have eaten chicken nuggets that are available through the government food programs. They are not that tasty, and they are not that good for you. Here are several questions that I would pose:
1. Why does our government have someone looking through children's lunches brought from home to see if the are "acceptable"?
2. Is there really someone getting paid to be a lunch inspector by our government schools?
3. Is it the school or the parent that knows what a child will eat?
4. Is it the school or the parent that knows what is good for the child to eat?
5. How much food was wasted in this scenario?
6. How do you justify requiring that parent to pay for that meal provided by the school?
7. What are the children learning when they see the school rejecting their parents' meals?
8. MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION: Who should be making decisions about children, the parents or the government?
We are living in a regulation nation.....a Nanny State. Families in America are under attack, and right now they are losing the battle. This needs to change. The first way we can get this change done is to replace our President .....and his the next election.
P.S. One visit to almost any lunch room getting government subsidy should be enough to show you how much utter waste there is found there. All you have to do is look at how full the garbage bins are after lunch. Schools are required to give the students all the food offered and in the required amounts. It is a "one size fits all" approach, and it is a travesty. There is NO common sense to it. It's not the fault of the cooks. They are doing what they are required to do by the government. I feel sorry for those folks who work so hard to put food out there for the children, only to see so much of it thrown in the garbage can.
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