President Obama said that the GOP energy plan is to drill, drill, and drill some more. That is not the Republican plan, but even if it were, it would be a better plan than the President's plan. His plan can be summarized as don't drill, don't drill, and never drill.
The President's plan relies heavily on "green" technology. At this point, green technology is either just potentially useful for the future or has to be highly subsidized by the Federal government. Electric cars are not selling, in large part to do with their high cost, even with tax breaks. Now we hear of another proposal to add another $10,000 in incentives to buy them. This means people who are NOT buying them are required to pay to help others buy them. Even then, the energy needed to charge them most likely comes from a coal-burning power plant. Another aspect of his plan is providing tax funds for "green" companies such as Solyndra, several which have gone bankrupt. This is another monumental waste of taxpayer money.
In the meantime, the President continues to obstruct anything that has to do with fossil fuels. The Keystone Pipeline has been rejected. Leases for off-shore drilling are rejected. Yet we encourage and subsidize Brazilian drilling. Drilling in ANWAR is rejected. In addition, the President is continually trying to punish oil companies through the tax code.
Ten years ago, Al Gore said it would be ten years before we could get gasoline from ANWAR. It was an excuse for not doing the drilling. Now we are expected to trust a President who thinks part of the answer to our energy problems is to get energy from pond scum. Do you think that this technology can be successful and marketable in less than ten years?
We are now experiencing higher gas prices, higher utility bills, and higher taxes that are paying for "green" subsidies. Conservatives say that the free market should drive the development of new technologies. American ingenuity has always accomplished great things without government help. Instead, we have an administration that wants to throw money at green companies. At the same time it obstructs the use of a technology that has already been used for decades. The result is that our economy suffers, and the American people suffer.
Yes, drill, drill, and drill some more sounds pretty good right now.
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