Before I begin, it must be noted that some of the big enemies of this restoration are to be found in our education system, public employee labor unions, and the mainstream press. Therefore, any solution must include how to address these enemies.
- First of all, every effort should be made to stop the so-called "progressive" agenda. In the immediate future, that would entail the House of Representatives standing in the way of this agenda's success. The Senate can have some influence also through their use of the filibuster.
- As for long-term solutions, they are going to have to include ways to educate our citizens differently. Liberal teachings have penetrated into every government school. That must be changed, and that will take quite a bit of time.
- Conservative young couples should have more children. Then they must do what is necessary to make sure those children learn the lessons from American history taught from a conservative (and therefore, true) perspective. Liberal educators, starting in elementary school and going all the way through our higher education institutions, have succeeded in revising our history to set in motion their liberal agenda.
- This part of the plan will necessitate parents to do all within their power to make sure their children do NOT attend government schools. Two good alternatives for this would be sending them to Christian schools or opting for homeschooling. As far as Christian schools go, you know my bias toward the Lutheran school system run by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. This, of course, would require sacrifice, but if we are to take our country back, it must be done.
- Those who are not parents, such as grandparents, can pitch in by urging others to avoid the public school system. It would be an admirable thing for such people to adopt other children, dedicating their time and financial support to make this approach possible.
- In the meantime, in the political arena, we must draw the line in the sand and not allow our country to slide farther away from Constitutional principles. Compromise should not be a priority. A persistent stance against continued progressive erosion must be the priority.
- One piece of good news from the recent election is the fact that we now have 30 GOP governors in America. Those governors should continue efforts such as those made in Wisconsin by Gov. Walker to stifle public employee unions in order to promote fiscal sanity. Other Americans need to be made aware of the successful results from such policies. Getting more of our states to become right-to-work states is a must.
- One of the big obstacles to overcome is reduce the influence of the liberal mainstream press. I think the only way to get this done is to attack them in their pocketbooks. We must be vigilant about letting companies that advertise in the liberal media know that we are going to find other products to consume instead of theirs. We need also to make sure that we cause their ratings to descend to the depths by simply not watching or listening to their coverage.
- An underlying important concept which must be part of this plan is to diligently work at making sure our country is a Christian nation. Our people need to be well-versed on what Scripture teaches, and once again the general moral fabric of our country will be improved. Our country ideally should be a country which strives to do God's will in all they do.
- The easy thing to do is to continue down the road to moral and fiscal decay. The hard thing is to dedicate our time, talent, and treasure to making the USA the exceptional country that our Founding Fathers envisioned. By now, we should know that those things which are worthwhile in life are also the things which require them most hard work. We know we have a God who is more than willing to guide us in the right way to go, equipping us with what we need to promote His kingdom. Get on your knees and ask for His blessing.
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