Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Morning-After Venting

  • America has been transformed.  Last night's results tell me that the American electorate has been transformed.  We have an electorate that has a whole new perspective on what a Constitutional republic is.  
  • I am already tired of people saying the GOP needs to move to the middle.  The Democrats certainly are not even close to the middle.  We now enter the second term of the most liberal President in the history of America.
  • It is time for the GOP to hand the torch over to the Tea Party.
  • The media had a rather large part to play in this election.  I grew up knowing that the media was in the business of controlling the power of the government by exposing the truths which were attempted to be hidden.  This media went out of their way to hide the truth in order to get the candidates of their choice elected.  I will even go as far to say that the mainstream media has acted in very un-American way.
  • I am astounded that polls today indicate that over half of voters said that the response to Hurricane Sandy was an important or very important factor in their choices.  This is what I mean by a transformed electorate.  How shallow our people must be!  And the response to the hurricane has not even been that good or well-received.
  • The results are so much worse than the re-election of our President.  The loss of the Senate and many other good candidates adds to the misery.
  • We even have cases where some states have now legislated things which are sinful according to God's Word.
  • The fact that the evangelicals cast there votes with over 70% to the GOP and we still took this licking should tell you that our country has way too few evangelicals.  Maybe President Obama is correct.  America is not a Christian country......anymore.
  • Let me be the first to say that, unless the President drastically changes, I hope his policies fail.  I do not care to have our country become another Greece.
  • The US has spoken and they have said that they want a government that gives them free stuff.  This attitude may gratify people for the present, but it does not bode well for our country's future.
  • Sometime in the middle of the night, and I heard the sound of our Constitution being crumpled up and thrown into the trash.
  • The logic given for voting for re-election was that America's economy was creeping slowly back.  We should let the President have more time.  Now we have the situation where our country will be speeding forward to a debt that will crush us.
  • This may upset some of my friends who teach in government schools, but I think the transformation of our electorate took place primarily within the walls of those schools.  Conservative perspectives have become endangered or extinct there.  We are teaching our children to be liberals.  The astounding thing is. that the parents don't seem to recognize that it has happened.  It has happened with a drip, drip, drip approach, slowly corroding the values put forth by our Founding Fahers and our Heavenly Father.
  • We are likely to see President Obama trying to promote a global form of government and legislation.  American exceptionalism will go away.
  • We can only pray that our conservative Supreme Court judges remain healthy.
  • One good thing about the election results is that we have more GOP governors.  This will likely to be tempered by Eric Holder's DOJ which will continue to sue states when they pass legislation that does not fit the liberal agenda.
Enough for now.

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