This article provides support for the statements I have made about our government school. It shows that there is indeed a connection between teachers, labor unions, and socialism.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Grumps Plan for Restoring America's Greatness
I believe that our American heritage and culture has been hijacked by liberal thinking. A slow erosion of our American values has been taking place over a long period of time. Certainly it was already present during the promotion of the New Deal during the years of FDR's terms as President. The question now remains. How can we restore America to the type of country our Founding Fathers had in mind when they penned the US Constitution? Here are some of my suggestions. It took a long time to get us to this point in time. It will take a long time to get us back to where it should be.
Before I begin, it must be noted that some of the big enemies of this restoration are to be found in our education system, public employee labor unions, and the mainstream press. Therefore, any solution must include how to address these enemies.
Before I begin, it must be noted that some of the big enemies of this restoration are to be found in our education system, public employee labor unions, and the mainstream press. Therefore, any solution must include how to address these enemies.
- First of all, every effort should be made to stop the so-called "progressive" agenda. In the immediate future, that would entail the House of Representatives standing in the way of this agenda's success. The Senate can have some influence also through their use of the filibuster.
- As for long-term solutions, they are going to have to include ways to educate our citizens differently. Liberal teachings have penetrated into every government school. That must be changed, and that will take quite a bit of time.
- Conservative young couples should have more children. Then they must do what is necessary to make sure those children learn the lessons from American history taught from a conservative (and therefore, true) perspective. Liberal educators, starting in elementary school and going all the way through our higher education institutions, have succeeded in revising our history to set in motion their liberal agenda.
- This part of the plan will necessitate parents to do all within their power to make sure their children do NOT attend government schools. Two good alternatives for this would be sending them to Christian schools or opting for homeschooling. As far as Christian schools go, you know my bias toward the Lutheran school system run by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. This, of course, would require sacrifice, but if we are to take our country back, it must be done.
- Those who are not parents, such as grandparents, can pitch in by urging others to avoid the public school system. It would be an admirable thing for such people to adopt other children, dedicating their time and financial support to make this approach possible.
- In the meantime, in the political arena, we must draw the line in the sand and not allow our country to slide farther away from Constitutional principles. Compromise should not be a priority. A persistent stance against continued progressive erosion must be the priority.
- One piece of good news from the recent election is the fact that we now have 30 GOP governors in America. Those governors should continue efforts such as those made in Wisconsin by Gov. Walker to stifle public employee unions in order to promote fiscal sanity. Other Americans need to be made aware of the successful results from such policies. Getting more of our states to become right-to-work states is a must.
- One of the big obstacles to overcome is reduce the influence of the liberal mainstream press. I think the only way to get this done is to attack them in their pocketbooks. We must be vigilant about letting companies that advertise in the liberal media know that we are going to find other products to consume instead of theirs. We need also to make sure that we cause their ratings to descend to the depths by simply not watching or listening to their coverage.
- An underlying important concept which must be part of this plan is to diligently work at making sure our country is a Christian nation. Our people need to be well-versed on what Scripture teaches, and once again the general moral fabric of our country will be improved. Our country ideally should be a country which strives to do God's will in all they do.
- The easy thing to do is to continue down the road to moral and fiscal decay. The hard thing is to dedicate our time, talent, and treasure to making the USA the exceptional country that our Founding Fathers envisioned. By now, we should know that those things which are worthwhile in life are also the things which require them most hard work. We know we have a God who is more than willing to guide us in the right way to go, equipping us with what we need to promote His kingdom. Get on your knees and ask for His blessing.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Here is a partial list of those who are celebrating the re-election of our President:
- Ahmadinejad
- Chavez
- Putin
- Zawahiri
- Greece
- China
- The 47%
- Occupy Wall Street
- Planned Parenthood
- The Communist Party
- George Soros
- And of course......Honey Boo Boo
Friday, November 9, 2012
Alan vs. Allen
This is an indication of what is really wrong with the American electorate:
This Alan was elected to return to the Congress:
....and this Allen wasn't:
This Alan was elected to return to the Congress:
....and this Allen wasn't:
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Venting - Part 2
- One good thing about the GOP being the side that lost is that the result was certainly not going to end with a violent reaction.
- Now that the election is over, the Democrats can now safely turn off their conservative speech and return to their very liberal actions. It's to be expected.
- I cannot imagine how the GOP could have put forth a more squeaky clean ticket, yet the combination of the Obama campaign and the mainstream media still managed to convince enough of the electorate that they were monsters.
- The GOP also put forth the kind of ticket which was designed to deal with America's biggest problems.....against a ticket which is completely unqualified in that department. Yet again, the Obama campaign and the mainstream media turned the race into one about contraception and other issues that do not matter.
- If I didn't care so much about our country, I'd tell the Republicans in Congress to let the Democrats have everything they want and then sit back to watch the country go down the toilet so they lose all credibility.
- The Stock Market certainly did not act as if they liked the results today.
- I am ready to admit how wrong I have been. I always thought that there were still plenty of citizens left in America to defend good, old-fashioned American values. I was wrong. I now live in a different America. It is a short-sighted, live-for-today America. This did not happen overnight. It apparently has been around for a while. I just did not recognize it. I do still have faith that this trend can be reversed, but it's going to take a lot of work to change the culture, and it may take that 2X4 smack on the head from God himself to make it happen.
- I mourn for my grandchildren's future.
- Unemployment is high. Growth is extremely slow. People said the economy is the biggest problem. The American people re-elected President Obama anyway. This points to the fact that this election was mostly a popularity contest.
- The Libya story is an outrage, yet, between Romney not focusing on it and the press shoving it under the rug, it was not the issue it should have been. I now wonder if President Obama will ever be held accountable for it.
- Green energy companies failing and Fast and Furious also did not get raised as important issues either.
- President Obama has absolutely divided our country into so many factions. Yet he proclaims how he is going to unite us, and apparently over half of America believes him.
- In fact, America obviously believes a lot more things that he says than I do. His description of America in the last few days before the election was a description of an alternative world that wasn't close to reality. OK, I'll say it. He lied to America, and they believed the lies.
Morning-After Venting
- America has been transformed. Last night's results tell me that the American electorate has been transformed. We have an electorate that has a whole new perspective on what a Constitutional republic is.
- I am already tired of people saying the GOP needs to move to the middle. The Democrats certainly are not even close to the middle. We now enter the second term of the most liberal President in the history of America.
- It is time for the GOP to hand the torch over to the Tea Party.
- The media had a rather large part to play in this election. I grew up knowing that the media was in the business of controlling the power of the government by exposing the truths which were attempted to be hidden. This media went out of their way to hide the truth in order to get the candidates of their choice elected. I will even go as far to say that the mainstream media has acted in very un-American way.
- I am astounded that polls today indicate that over half of voters said that the response to Hurricane Sandy was an important or very important factor in their choices. This is what I mean by a transformed electorate. How shallow our people must be! And the response to the hurricane has not even been that good or well-received.
- The results are so much worse than the re-election of our President. The loss of the Senate and many other good candidates adds to the misery.
- We even have cases where some states have now legislated things which are sinful according to God's Word.
- The fact that the evangelicals cast there votes with over 70% to the GOP and we still took this licking should tell you that our country has way too few evangelicals. Maybe President Obama is correct. America is not a Christian country......anymore.
- Let me be the first to say that, unless the President drastically changes, I hope his policies fail. I do not care to have our country become another Greece.
- The US has spoken and they have said that they want a government that gives them free stuff. This attitude may gratify people for the present, but it does not bode well for our country's future.
- Sometime in the middle of the night, and I heard the sound of our Constitution being crumpled up and thrown into the trash.
- The logic given for voting for re-election was that America's economy was creeping slowly back. We should let the President have more time. Now we have the situation where our country will be speeding forward to a debt that will crush us.
- This may upset some of my friends who teach in government schools, but I think the transformation of our electorate took place primarily within the walls of those schools. Conservative perspectives have become endangered or extinct there. We are teaching our children to be liberals. The astounding thing is. that the parents don't seem to recognize that it has happened. It has happened with a drip, drip, drip approach, slowly corroding the values put forth by our Founding Fahers and our Heavenly Father.
- We are likely to see President Obama trying to promote a global form of government and legislation. American exceptionalism will go away.
- We can only pray that our conservative Supreme Court judges remain healthy.
- One good thing about the election results is that we have more GOP governors. This will likely to be tempered by Eric Holder's DOJ which will continue to sue states when they pass legislation that does not fit the liberal agenda.
Enough for now.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
30 Reasons I Will Not Vote for Obama
- Obamacare- This will result in higher costs, less freedom, rationing, etc.
- HHS Mandate - I am opposed to free contraceptives. This is also a violation of our freedom of religion.
- Supreme Court Judges - I shudder to think about Pres. Obama nominating several new Supreme Court judges.
- Higher taxes - These are inevitable.
- High unemployment - Under Obama, high unemployment has become the new normal.
- More regulations - Our country has become a Nanny State. Regulations are stifling the growth of small business.
- Higher energy costs - Obama is opposed to the use of hydrocarbon fuels and wastes money on investments in green energy. Gasoline prices will remain high (another new normal).
- Dept. of Justice - Eric Holder's DOJ obstructs the law more than he enforces it.
- Reduction of States' Rights - Many state-passed laws have been opposed by the Obama administration.
- Bigger Government - We need a reduction in the size of government, not an increase.
- Union Influence - Unions would continue to exert their influence in the government.
- Socialism - Socialism is NOT a dirty word to Obama.
- Weaker Defense - Obama is not a fan of a strong military.
- Weak Foreign Policy - Obama has a naive foreign policy. Peace does not come through appeasement.
- Weak on Constitution - Obama thinks the Constitution is a flawed document because it limits the Federal Government's power.
- No chance of entitlement reform - Like it or not, we have to get something done about reducing entitlement programs.
- Larger Debt - This is also inevitable.
- No American Exceptionalism - Obama thinks America is the same as any other nation.
- Anti-business - Obama's policies do not promote business.
- No Voter Integrity - Obama is opposed to any voter ID laws.
- Support of Planned Parenthood - Obama will continue to grant subsidies to an organization whose main function is to provide abortions.
- Rule by Executive Order - If Congress opposes Obama, he will issue executive orders to get his way.
- Passing the blame - Obama never takes blame, instead finding someone or something else to blame.
- More Apologizing for America - Obama continues to make apologies for our country's supposed wrongdoings.
- Not Qualified - Obama entered the Presidency unqualified and has not proven to me that he has gotten any better.
- Narcissistic - I am tired of Obama using "I" and "me" in his speeches.
- Amnesty - If Obama gets his way, some form of amnesty would occur.
- Joe Biden - It scares me to death that he is a heartbeat away from being President.
- Poor Commander-in-Chief - Most in the military have no respect for him.
- Lack of Trust - He has not gained my trust.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Makes No Sense to Me
Black unemployment rate: September = 13.4%. October = 14.3%. Yet you can take it to the bank that President Obama will get over 90% of the black vote on Tuesday. There is no logical explanation for why the Democrat Party has such a stranglehold on the black vote.
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