Monday, July 2, 2012

The Small Fine Print

   Please tell me if I am wrong.  If you want to stop a bad behavior with a fine, wouldn't you make the fine larger than the cost a person would have to pay if they did NOT pay the fine?  It seems to me that a low fine becomes merely a way to collect revenue, not an effort to change the bad behavior.  If the fine is small enough, people will make the choice to pay the fine rather than change their behavior.
   It seems to me that this is what is happening with Obamacare.  The fine (which has now been declared a tax) is so much smaller than paying the high premiums of health insurance, will cause many to choose the fine.  As a result, the number of people who have no health insurance will increase.  And why would the government want this to happen?  It appears to me that the reason the government is doing this is because the WANT the bad behavior to get worse, so that they can institute a different approach to health insurance in America.  They want the government to take over the entire healthcare business.  They want a single payer system.  They want the ultimate mechanism to control the lives of our people.....the control of our health.  This administration wants to control our behavior, not allow us to be free.
   I am going to do what I can to influence people to vote in such a way as to return our country to the type of country as envisioned by our Founding Fathers....the ones who were willing to die to have the freedoms that we used to have.

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