Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thoughts on the SCOTUS Decision

  • Obamacare has now become an incredibly large tax increase on Americans and American businesses.  Granted, this is because the SCOTUS changed the word "mandate" into the word "tax".
  • I am baffled that the SCOTUS can make a decision to change the intent of a law while declaring it constitutional.  The debate leading to this bill's passage was filled with people, including the President, claiming the mandate was NOT  a tax.
  • It appears to me that the people who are going to suffer the most from this tax will be the ones making less than $250,000, the very people the President has said will not have a penny added to their taxes.
  • Obamacare is not really about getting people treated for their health problems.  It is about the government taking control of people's lives.  It limits Americans' freedoms.  As such, it is imperative that Obamacare gets repealed.  This is true regardless of today's decision.
  • Sadly, this is why I am not that thrilled that the GOP has to rely on Mitt Romney to carry out this task.  He is the one who championed Romneycare in Massachusetts.  His credibility on this issue is tainted.  I only take comfort in the fact that he is an incredibly better choice than Barack Obama.
  • I did not hear the President say the word "tax" in his talk today.  I do not think he will be using that term.  That means the Republicans will have to go out of their way to use it as often as possible when discussing Obamacare.
  • The Federal government has now been told that they can tax the American people on things that they DON'T buy.  That is an incredibly scary thought.  A huge can of worms has been opened.
  • I have yet to personally experience how the "Affordable Care Act" has resulted in my health insurance being more affordable.  I also have yet to talk to anyone else who has found that their costs have gone down.
  • Obamacare is another policy that will lead this country down the same road that Greece has traveled.  We are worse off as a country financially as a result of this bill.  It will only get worse if it gets completely implemented.  We are on the road to bankruptcy.
  • I think Justice Roberts has taken a stick and pounded on a hornets' nest.  Americans are going to be even more energized now to vote the President out of office.  It make me consider that Roberts had this in mind when making his decision.
  • It is once again time for the Tea Party to assert its voice in the next elections.  We need conservatives in as many offices as possible.  It is my hope that the conservative voices are heard.  This blog is my attempt to influence people in this direction.  I know I have to do more than that.


  1. Please also note the statement from Pres. Harrison of the LCMS. The decision today means that Church agencies will now be mandated to provide birth control that may lead to to the deaths of unborn children. What will happen if they refuse to do this? I've noticed so far of the news channels that I have been monitoring, that nothing has been reported concerning this. I had to comment as "anonymous but I am not ashamed to say that my name is Randolph Jay Banwart.

  2. Good point, Mr. B. I have read President Harrison's statement. He writes well. That aspect alone is enough for me to oppose this law. Also, I am already hearing chatter about people who are ready to go to jail over paying this "tax".

  3. I'm still waiting for Rush Limbaugh to move to Costa Rica which he blovated he'd do: "...if this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented -- I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."

    He's backing water on that statement today. Maybe he found out that Costa Rica has universal health care. Maybe he can go to Canada... oh, yeah, they do too.

  4. I'd really like to know what you think is incorrect about the items in this blog post, Ken.

  5. Warren, Randy ... Erick Erickson has very interesting insight to the Roberts-authored majority decision in an entry on Human Events (I highly suggest your reading this):

    There appears to be a game playing out here which I think people are only just starting to notice (you touch on it a little; Slate Ragazine was the first place I saw it, and since then others have picked it up). If you look at this, the really scary thing is the commentary on what can be taxed and when - although one might argue they already have that sort of tax (on something you don't buy) in the form of income tax, FICA, etc).

    Also, the decision rightly takes and throws this back into the political arena where it belongs. If We The People don't like this law, well, we damn well need to throw the bums out who forced it on us! It's our responsibility; SCOTUS' job is merely to speak to the constitutionality.

    And as to that ... okay, interesting point on changing the reading of the law from "mandate" to "tax" - although, we need to be honest, that was on the table already. First it was ... then, as soon as HRHBHO realized a trillion dollar new tax would be a VERY BAD IDEA (c) it turned into a Commerce Clause-based mandate ... and then when it came in front of SCOTUS and that position was question, suddenly the tax issue didn't look so bad.

    The point lost in all of this - and it's clearly stated in the decision - is that the law FAILS on the Commerce Clause. It's a step MUCH too far for Congress to take, and a wall has now been slammed down. Congress cannot violate individual rights (and impose costs) by mandating commerce activity in this manner. This also potentially opens the door to revisit Wickard v. Fillburn and all the other Commerce Clause decisions that have previously crushed this country by granting Congress ridiculous regulatory power in this arena. That's HUGE.

    Also, note that they have destroyed the coercive (punishing) elements in the law where the states are concerned. This was a very strong 7-2 majority reaffirming proper federalism, and the rights of states versus the power of the federal government. Again, a HUGE point that should not be overlooked.

    So ... things are not as they seem.

    @Ken - Yeah, statements like that are rather foolish. Just like when Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon (I believe) and some other prominent public personae said they would leave the country if certain political results applied (but never did). I guess they were all (Rush included) caught up in the emotion of the moment, eh?

  6. There are reports saying that many people who thought they have coverage found out that they don’t. I think this is just the beginning and we will continue to find out that many people will be hurt by this law instead of being helped by this law. One of my friend is in a similar situation now. Thanks god, online pharmacies are helping a great deal. I suggested my friend to get her medications from online pharmacy - which helped her to get her meds uninterrupted
