Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Remember the Constitution

   If you do a study of the word "remember" as it used in the Bible, you will find out that it means more than just recalling something that has happened in the past.  It means that when you remember something, you make it meaningful to the present time.  When we are told to remember Christ's suffering, it is intended for us to make that event apply to our present life.  When we are told that God will not remember our sins, it does not mean that God has a lousy memory.  How can that be?  It means that those sins remain in our past and do not have meaning for today.  They no longer apply.
   Having said this, I would submit to you that the same type of meaning ought to be given to the word when we say that we should remember the Constitution.  It is not just a historical document.  It is not just a fact that should be part of a history class in school that on which our children get tested.  The U.S. Constitution should be applicable to what is going on in the present, not just something that happened in the past. 
   There is a movement which minimizes the Constitution nowadays, saying that it no longer is relevant.  Not so!  If anything, the Constitution should be MORE relevant today than ever before.  In a way similar to how the once-meaningful slogan, "Remember the Alamo", we should now be proclaiming, "Remember the Constitution."

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