My grandchildren call me Grumps. Today, that term is very descriptive of my mood. I find it necessary to vent so that my high blood pressure does not become an even bigger health concern than it already is.
The Supreme Court has just released their decision on the Obamacare issue. Needless to say, I am angered by their decision. As I see it, the Supreme Court has made their decision, not based on the Constitution and the rule of law, but based on the impact their decision could have politically. They have for all practical purposes decided to rewrite a law passed by Congress. That is not their job. The law should not have passed in the first place, but that is fodder for a whole different post. However, I can only see this development as a broadside attack on the Constitution itself.
The separation of powers has taken another direct hit. The Constitution has already been under fire from the Executive Branch as President Obama has already done plenty of his own rewriting of legislation with his executive orders. Now the Supreme Court has let loose with their barrage, joining the fray with their own version of rewriting legislation. Congress might as well pack their bags and go on home. At least that would save us some tax money if they did. But their main task of writing legislation has been co-opted by the other two branches of the government.
Then there's this whole feeding frenzy that is going on with the Confederate flag. I think it is absolutely reprehensible that some people have used a tragic event to pursue a different kind of assault on the American culture. American history is under attack. People are trying to rewrite history just like the Supreme Court decided they had to rewrite a piece of legislation.
Yes, the Civil War was about slavery, an abomination of its own accord. But the Civil War was not just about slavery. It was also about Northern interests being in control of the federal government and inflicting their desires on the South. The South felt powerless to do anything about it. Their economy was suffering as a result. The issue of what rights the states had was at stake. Well, folks, that debate has once again reemerged. The federal government is more than ever inflicting its desires on states that are not happy about what is being done to them.
I fear that we are going down a road which may end up in another civil that is not a geographical one, but an idealogical one. It could get real ugly. And I don't want my grandchildren to experience such a thing.
It is really spooky out there. Socialism is no longer a dirty word in America. We have one candidate for President who blatantly admits to being a socialist. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party has developed into a combination of crony socialist/fascist ideologues. The establishment Republicans have their own brand of crony capitalists. All of them have the main mission of remaining part of the power structure that is Washington, D.C. What is needed the most to remedy the problem is term limits, but none of those in power in Washington are remotely interested in that.
I have not given up my hope for America. Contrary to what is portrayed intentionally by the media, America is the best country in the world. That is why people are coming here in droves. However, some way must be found to break down the power structure that exists in our nation's capitol and restore the relevance of the Constitution.
An effort is being made to portray anything that is old, traditional, historical, etc. is harmful to our country and must be ignored or eliminated. The people in our past.....the documents of our past.....the wars of our past.....the culture of our past......are all on the road to intention extinction. We must not let this happen.
Need I say that while all this has been happening that the Congress has granted even more power to President Obama with the trade legislation? Lord, have mercy.
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