Monday, August 27, 2012

Sounds Like I Am an Extremist

   Wow!  President Obama (and almost every Democrat as well) describes Mitt Romney as supporting "extreme" policies.  The first thing I consider is what words he would use to describe my positions.  I look at Mitt Romney as one who has reluctantly moved his positions slightly to the right only as a result of his hearing that those positions are held by so many Americans  that he may lose some votes if he didn't make such a move.  I have not been very supportive of the Romney nomination because he seems to be a moderate to me.
  Obama's very carefully crafted words are merely being used to paint Mitt Romney in a way that he and his campaign think will get people to vote for the President.  I happen to think they are wrong in their assessment of the way many Americans are thinking.  The Obama Campaign is also trying to tie Mitt Romney to the misguided words of Todd Akin.  Mitt Romney has been very clear in stating that he in no way agrees with Rep. Akin.  In fact, I think a more powerful argument can be made that the President is the one who espouses "extreme" positions, like his stance of supporting late-term abortions.
   President Obama has no record of which he can be proud.  He is choosing the option of trying to destroy the reputation of his opponent. 
   By the way, wouldn't you define an extreme view as being one which is only supported by a fringe group of the populace? 

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