- War
- Foreign policy
- Iran/N. Korea
- The HHS mandate
- Freedom of religion
- Immigration
- Right to life
- Naming Supreme Court Justices
- EPA regulations
- Solyndra and other green energy failures
- Fast and Furious
- Voter ID laws
Friday, August 31, 2012
Things Missing at the RNC
Here is a list of things which were not very much in the highlight at the RNC, despite a few of them getting some minimum attention. I suppose there are reasons for this. I just list them as something that I observed.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
A Stable Full
I recently visited Grant's Farm in St. Louis and saw the stables being used to house and breed the great Clydesdale horses. It was especially meaningful to me to see the young, elegant Clydesdale colts which were the future of the Clydesdale breed. They were beautiful.
Especially after listening to two straight nights full of speeches by prominent and not-so-prominent Republicans, I have come to the conclusion that the GOP has a stable full of up-and-coming, talented, and principled future leaders. That stable is full of governors who are now leading their states out of economic misery and into fiscal stability. It is full of men and women from a multitude of diverse backgrounds. They are articulate, honorable, respectful people who love our country and its heritage. It appears to me that the future of our country may be in very good hands, assuming that our country has not already become too far gone into a dependent mentality and they can get elected.
At the same time, it seems to me that the Democrat stable is not full of thoroughbreds. I would describe them as old, worn-out nags, no longer able to accomplish anything useful. I keep trying to identify good, young leadership coming out of the Democrat Party, even when I try to think like a liberal. They just don't seem to be there. In fact, what seems to be true of the Democrat Party right now is that many of their politicians are hiding in the bushes, waiting for President Obama to fade off into the distance so they can once again be proud of their party. The fact that so many of them are not attending the DNC is evidence of that. I don't doubt that they will make a comeback, but I think it will be a while before they recover from Pres. Obama's failure.
Heaven help us if the Democrats are able to hold onto their power after the upcoming election. This vote in November is crucial. We can our nation's pride back, and maintain it for a good, long time.
Especially after listening to two straight nights full of speeches by prominent and not-so-prominent Republicans, I have come to the conclusion that the GOP has a stable full of up-and-coming, talented, and principled future leaders. That stable is full of governors who are now leading their states out of economic misery and into fiscal stability. It is full of men and women from a multitude of diverse backgrounds. They are articulate, honorable, respectful people who love our country and its heritage. It appears to me that the future of our country may be in very good hands, assuming that our country has not already become too far gone into a dependent mentality and they can get elected.
At the same time, it seems to me that the Democrat stable is not full of thoroughbreds. I would describe them as old, worn-out nags, no longer able to accomplish anything useful. I keep trying to identify good, young leadership coming out of the Democrat Party, even when I try to think like a liberal. They just don't seem to be there. In fact, what seems to be true of the Democrat Party right now is that many of their politicians are hiding in the bushes, waiting for President Obama to fade off into the distance so they can once again be proud of their party. The fact that so many of them are not attending the DNC is evidence of that. I don't doubt that they will make a comeback, but I think it will be a while before they recover from Pres. Obama's failure.
Heaven help us if the Democrats are able to hold onto their power after the upcoming election. This vote in November is crucial. We can our nation's pride back, and maintain it for a good, long time.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Let's Get It Over With
If the polls are right (and I am very leery of polls) there is only a small percentage of Americans who have not made up their minds about the candidate that will get their vote. I wish we could just get it over with. Let's go to the polls right now. Forget the conventions. Forget the campaign ads. Forget the robo-calls. Forget the debates. Forget the political speeches. And let's take all the money which has been contributed to the candidates and give it to the American Red Cross for disaster relief. I think most Americans would throw parties to celebrate NOT having to put up with politics for the next two months.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sounds Like I Am an Extremist
Wow! President Obama (and almost every Democrat as well) describes Mitt Romney as supporting "extreme" policies. The first thing I consider is what words he would use to describe my positions. I look at Mitt Romney as one who has reluctantly moved his positions slightly to the right only as a result of his hearing that those positions are held by so many Americans that he may lose some votes if he didn't make such a move. I have not been very supportive of the Romney nomination because he seems to be a moderate to me.
Obama's very carefully crafted words are merely being used to paint Mitt Romney in a way that he and his campaign think will get people to vote for the President. I happen to think they are wrong in their assessment of the way many Americans are thinking. The Obama Campaign is also trying to tie Mitt Romney to the misguided words of Todd Akin. Mitt Romney has been very clear in stating that he in no way agrees with Rep. Akin. In fact, I think a more powerful argument can be made that the President is the one who espouses "extreme" positions, like his stance of supporting late-term abortions.
President Obama has no record of which he can be proud. He is choosing the option of trying to destroy the reputation of his opponent.
By the way, wouldn't you define an extreme view as being one which is only supported by a fringe group of the populace?
Obama's very carefully crafted words are merely being used to paint Mitt Romney in a way that he and his campaign think will get people to vote for the President. I happen to think they are wrong in their assessment of the way many Americans are thinking. The Obama Campaign is also trying to tie Mitt Romney to the misguided words of Todd Akin. Mitt Romney has been very clear in stating that he in no way agrees with Rep. Akin. In fact, I think a more powerful argument can be made that the President is the one who espouses "extreme" positions, like his stance of supporting late-term abortions.
President Obama has no record of which he can be proud. He is choosing the option of trying to destroy the reputation of his opponent.
By the way, wouldn't you define an extreme view as being one which is only supported by a fringe group of the populace?
Thursday, August 23, 2012
There's A Lot of War Going On but No War on Women
What is the opposite of pro-life? It is not pro-choice. It is anti-life. Here are some of my thoughts on abortion and the so-called War on Women.
- The only "choice" that Democrats are interested in is the choice to have an abortion. They are attempting to take away just about all other types of choices we Americans have.
- I submit that if there is a War on Women being waged by the Republicans, then there must be a War on Little Lives (Babies) being waged by the Democrats. It is the Democrats that have blood on their hands.
- I recently was told that a "life" was being terminated in an abortion, but not a "person". Accusations are often made that Republicans are ignorant about science, or that they are ignoring science. I ask those accusers how you could possibly come up with a scientific study to document at what precise point a life becomes a person. There is no science behind such a belief, nor can there be.
- It is also much more apparent to me that there is a War on Religion (more specifically, Christianity) being waged by the Democrats. The HHS mandate is evidence of that. What is astounding is that the Democrats see in the Republicans' defense of the freedom of religion to be a War on Women. Not only that, Democrats do not see anything wrong with forcing a business, in this case, the health insurance industry, to provide a product to consumers at no cost. In others words, they are required to give someone something free. They even claim that women have a RIGHT to, not only contraceptives, but FREE contraceptives.
- Some of these required drugs are abortion-causing drugs. Forcing religious institutions to provide these to their workers violates their religious tenets. There is no War on Women here. There is a war on innocent lives.
- Conservatives are constantly being portrayed as being mean-spirited, violent, and intolerant. Are conservatives the ones who promote the killing of innocent lives?
- Planned Parenthood continues to be the place where the most abortions are performed in America. That number keeps rising. Our Federal government continues to give this organization subsidies. Our tax money continues to go there. They get by with this by saying that none of that money is used for abortions. Americans should be able to figure out that that is just spin. This support should stop immediately.
- There are almost as many abortions amongst African-American women in large urban areas such as New York City as there are births. Why, oh why, are the Democrats not crying out with all their might that this is outrageous? Why isn't the African-American community up in arms over this? Why are a disproportionate number of blacks being aborted than any others? Shouldn't the ACLU be raising a royal stink about this? Yet it's the conservatives that are the ones being portrayed as having no compassion. They are the ones who want to put a stop to this.
- If conservatives are fighting a War on Women, does this mean that conservative women are fighting against their own kind? And most men, whether conservative or not, know better than to fight against women. If anything, another war that is being fought is the one being fought by the Democrats against conservative women. Consider the treatment of Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin, just to name a few.
- The GOP is not conducting a War on Women. This concept must be some more of that fairy dust or snake venom. And the real reason why this concept is being promoted is to distract America during an election season from that fact that our country is going down the toilet under the present leadership.
- I take some comfort in the fact that polls indicate that more people agree with me than with the Democrats on the issue of abortion. It is not even that close these days.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Remember the Constitution
If you do a study of the word "remember" as it used in the Bible, you will find out that it means more than just recalling something that has happened in the past. It means that when you remember something, you make it meaningful to the present time. When we are told to remember Christ's suffering, it is intended for us to make that event apply to our present life. When we are told that God will not remember our sins, it does not mean that God has a lousy memory. How can that be? It means that those sins remain in our past and do not have meaning for today. They no longer apply.
Having said this, I would submit to you that the same type of meaning ought to be given to the word when we say that we should remember the Constitution. It is not just a historical document. It is not just a fact that should be part of a history class in school that on which our children get tested. The U.S. Constitution should be applicable to what is going on in the present, not just something that happened in the past.
There is a movement which minimizes the Constitution nowadays, saying that it no longer is relevant. Not so! If anything, the Constitution should be MORE relevant today than ever before. In a way similar to how the once-meaningful slogan, "Remember the Alamo", we should now be proclaiming, "Remember the Constitution."
Having said this, I would submit to you that the same type of meaning ought to be given to the word when we say that we should remember the Constitution. It is not just a historical document. It is not just a fact that should be part of a history class in school that on which our children get tested. The U.S. Constitution should be applicable to what is going on in the present, not just something that happened in the past.
There is a movement which minimizes the Constitution nowadays, saying that it no longer is relevant. Not so! If anything, the Constitution should be MORE relevant today than ever before. In a way similar to how the once-meaningful slogan, "Remember the Alamo", we should now be proclaiming, "Remember the Constitution."
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Akin is Mistaken
I suppose I ought to write some thoughts I have on the Todd Akin circus.
- His controversial remarks were not just misspoken, he was stupid to say them.
- It is a shame that a man's whole career is likely to be ruined over one sentence.
- This scenario once again illustrates, at least in my perspective, the double standards that exist in America when you compare how the media responds to GOP missteps and how they respond to Democrat missteps. Just look at how they handle the almost endless list of gaffes made by our Vice President.
- About a month ago, a Minnesota lawmaker was caught having oral sex with a teenager. As of today, he has not resigned. I also ask you if you have even heard the story reported?
- It appears to me that Republican politicians usually apologize when they mess up (and they should). They also usually end up resigning in disgrace. However, in similar situations, Democrat politicians do not appear to think that similar behavior is even wrong, and they on occasion even become heroic in the eyes of the media in the long run. Sen. Kennedy and President Clinton come to mind.
- By the way, one thing that astounds me is that there are plenty liberals who state that they think there are double standards from the media in the other direction.
- As one who believes that life begins at conception, I do not think it matters what the circumstances are that caused that life. It is still a life and should not be terminated. Ideally, that decision should be made by the mother. What is REALLY wrong is government money being used to fund abortions. Arguments can be made that this is not happening, but I submit that it indeed is happening. I get sick when I think that some of my tax money is being used to commit murder.
- I am also appalled that Pres. Obama has always gotten a pass on the fact that he supported legislation that would have legalized infanticide.
- Regardless of who is on the ballot in November, I will not be voting for Sen. McCaskill. This is a matter of doing what is best for the future of America.
Friday, August 17, 2012
A Sweet First Kiss
A plaque has been placed at a Baskins Robbins location to mark the spot of Michelle and Barack Obama’s first kiss. I have several thoughts and questions about this.
• It is certainly interesting that Baskin Robbins was at one point in time rescued by Bain Capital.
• Did Barack ask for the kiss or did Michelle?
• Do you think Michelle is happy with this monument being placed at an ice cream joint, considering her efforts to get young people to make wise nutritional decisions?
• Will this plaque cause more youngsters to have some ice cream at this location, and will this contribute to the so-called obesity epidemic?
• Do YOU remember the location and circumstances of you first kiss with your spouse?
• Will the President visit this location and tell the owner, “You didn’t build that, I did.”
• Did Bain Capital rescue Baskin Robbins in order to cause more Americans to die of obesity? Should the Obama Campaign turn this into a campaign ad?
• Will the President count the work done on this monument as jobs that he created?
• It is certainly interesting that Baskin Robbins was at one point in time rescued by Bain Capital.
• Did Barack ask for the kiss or did Michelle?
• Do you think Michelle is happy with this monument being placed at an ice cream joint, considering her efforts to get young people to make wise nutritional decisions?
• Will this plaque cause more youngsters to have some ice cream at this location, and will this contribute to the so-called obesity epidemic?
• Do YOU remember the location and circumstances of you first kiss with your spouse?
• Will the President visit this location and tell the owner, “You didn’t build that, I did.”
• Did Bain Capital rescue Baskin Robbins in order to cause more Americans to die of obesity? Should the Obama Campaign turn this into a campaign ad?
• Will the President count the work done on this monument as jobs that he created?
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Thoughts on the First Day of School
Here in my hometown, today is the first day of school. I will share a few of my thoughts on the quality of education in America which, in my opinion, has gone downhill..
- There should be higher expectations of students in the basic courses. Too much emphasis is made on whether the students are enjoying themselves in school.
- The problems in today's government schools will not be solved by throwing more tax money at them.
- There is no need for a Federal Department of Education. The control of the schools should be as localized as possible. America does not need one-size-fits-all approach to education.
- One huge problem in the government schools is the amount of influence that the public employee labor unions have on the system. For one thing, way too much tax money is being directed to pension plans instead of being used to benefit students. Secondly, we all know that so much of the money collected as dues by these organizations is being directed to the Democrat Party, much of it from members who have different political viewpoints.
- I am outraged that right now the present administration in Washington is placing new regulations on parochial schools concerning health care mandates and contraception/abortion. Even if you ignore the doctrinal issues, these mandates, if permitted, will cause the cost of educating a student to go up. In the economic climate we have now, it has become more difficult to get parents to commit to paying tuition to get a Christian education. Many schools are closing. I happen to think that the present administration likes that trend.
- Schools in America apparently need to be doing a better job of teaching the development and content of the U.S. Constitution. Today's political discourse indicates that there are great misunderstandings about the importance of the Constitution in the operation of our country.
- The task of the teacher is much harder now. I think the biggest cause of this is that students and parents have less respect for teachers. Parents, more so than ever, will believe just about anything their children tell them about their teachers. Parents need to have the teachers' backs. Teachers have been put on the defensive these days. That should not be.
- I am still on the fence about school vouchers. I just cannot seem to get past the idea that as government money is deposited into the parochial schools, it comes with a large amount of strings attached. I fear the loss of control in the parochial schools.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Fear Not
After the Ryan pick, we have already heard the horror stories about how he is bad news for seniors. I am a senior, and he does not scare me. I do not think I am going to be thrown off a cliff. In fact, I have more worries about my medical future from Obamacare. I think most seniors are more concerned about the future of their grandchildren than they are about their own interests. They do not want their grandchildren to grow up in a country that has gone bankrupt. They also do not want their grandchildren to live in a socialist country. If you ask yourself which party has a fiscally responsible plan for America's future, you must conclude that it is coming from the GOP side. The Democrats are trying to paint a picture that is not reality. Seniors are not selfish. Do not believe their scare tactics.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Thoughts on the Ryan Pick
- Paul Ryan is, in my opinion, the best person in America to present fiscal concerns and solutions to the American people. He is brilliant.
- Having said that, one of my concerns is that he would no longer be on the Budget Committee in the House. I would hope the GOP can find an adequate replacement.
- From a Tea Party perspective, Ryan is the better part of the team running for the GOP.
- The Democrats will ramp up their attacks, saying that Ryan is a dangerous choice for seniors, ignoring the fact that the Ryan budget does not affect those who are already on Medicare and on Social Security.
- My hope is that younger Americans will buy into Ryan's message and NOT want to be part of an entitlement nation.
- Ryan has a beautiful family. Start praying for them. Even if they do not get attacked, they are going to have to watch their loved one get viciously attacked by Chicago-style politics.
- The Ryan pick ought to turn the conversation back to the important issues of improving our economy, reducing our debt, and tightening our belts. But will it?
- I am guessing that very few Americans really know who Paul Ryan is. I am going to enjoy watching him impress them with his ideas.
- I am really looking forward to the VP debate. The big question in my mind, though, is whether the folks asking the questions will even approach asking about money issues. I am betting they will try to focus on foreign affairs.
- As a values voter myself, Ryan is now the best of the four people running with regards to social issues.
- I have already seen a comment online about this ticket as being the best ticket of all time when it comes to hair. Makes me giggle.
- Ryan should get the "Packers" vote, but will probably lose the "Vikings" vote.
- All in all, I think it is a good choice.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Positive News Day
There have been so many days in which the news seems to be so bad. Today is not one of them. Here are some reasons why.
- There has been an incredible outpouring of support for Chick-fil-A today. I don't think this is so much an anti-gay movement as it is a statement about how America thinks about the effort to stifle freedom of religion. They are fed up.
- A coalition of black pastors has spoken out against the President's support of gay marriage, saying their support will not just be based on the color of the President's skin. They, too, are willing to stand by their Biblical values.
- Senator Reid claims to have been told by a Bain investor that Mitt Romney went ten years without paying taxes. This claim is completely unsubstantiated. This may sound like bad news, but it shows how desperate the Democrats are. They must know that President Obama is in deep trouble going into this election. And he is.
- Now the big one. Texas Republicans rejected an establishment man and instead showed their support for Tea Party candidate, Ted Cruz. This is monumental. It should send shudders throughout not only the Democrats, but also all moderate Republicans. Mitt Romney is going to have to sit up and take notice, too, and make sure he maintains a conservative stance on the issues. There is a large groundswell of support for Constitutional conservatism in America. Another lesson from this election is that people should learn that they should not be influenced by polls. This was a classic case of the attempted use of polls to manipulate the election. It did not work.
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