Friday, July 27, 2012

America's Perception

In a recent poll, only 50% of respondents said that President Obama is a Christian. Seventeen percent said he is a Muslim. I would like to think that if I were President, that people would be certain that I am a Christian.

A Vent of Olympic Proportions

I'm an Olympic cynic these days.  Why?
1.  I'm not an NBC fan.
2.  The coverage will be used to promote NBC programming.
3.  The coverage will be heavy on events that have judges decide the winner.  Not a fan of those.
4.  I checked the DirecTV listings  for the Olympics.  In 138 listings, 59 of them included gymnastics.  Since I'm not a fan of that, it discourages my viewing.
5.  I'm old-school.  I liked it when athletes were all amateurs.
6.  There will be too much coverage of the celebrities who are attending.
7.  There's always too much "up close and personal" stuff and not enough of the actual athletic events.
8.  The opening ceremonies have become the Super Bowl halftime show.  I don't watch that either.
I still am likely to tune in on occasion, but it will not take much to get me to tune out if I do not care for the coverage. You folks who are fans of the Olympics....enjoy. I will probably watch some baseball.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bad Investment?

The word is out that the Colorado shooter had a $26,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health. The worst case scenario is that he used this money to buy weapons. The best case is that it was just another Solyndra-like "investment" by our Federal government that did not turn out well.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Real War on Women

There really is a War on Women. It's a war fought by the progressives against conservative women. Just ask the likes of Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, etc. The amount of hatred these women are confronted with is huge.

Resurrection of Racism

   All right, maybe that is an exaggeration.  Racism is not dead.  However, I think it has at least been put in hospice care.  Yet, despite the fact that great strides have been made in our country during my lifetime in the area of race relations, there are some who would like to tell America that racism is still a big problem here.
   Let's face it.  The Democrats rely on victims in order to win.  They have to make victims of as many Americans as possible.  This election cycle has shown a ramped-up effort to increase the level of victimhood.  Women, Hispanics, African-Americans, gays, etc. have all been targeted by the Democrats.  They have all been portrayed by the Obama Campaign as victims who need to be helped by the government. 
   No mention is made of the advancements that have been made in America.  Most of the people I know do not spend their time worrying about what someone's race is.  They simply do not consider it as important.  They do not judge a person by the color of their skin.
   What is objectionable to me is the fact that conservative folks like me are painted as racists.  It is simply not true.  But I know why it is done.  Without conservatives being perceived as racists, it is not likely that the President will be re-elected.  In my opinion, it is not going to work this time around.  The President simply has no record to stand on.
   I wish people would put racism to its eternal rest in hell and not try to resurrect it again.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Not All Are Government Teachers

   Recently, President Obama referred to everyone having teachers to thank for their success.  I agree with that to an extent, but you cannot always say that those teachers were government teachers.  I am a rare person.  I NEVER had a teacher hired by a government in all my years of schooling from Kindergarten through graduating from college.  I always attended Lutheran schools.  In my opinion, I think our country would be better off if more of the nation's students were attending schools that are NOT run by a government.  Maybe more excellent teachers would be hired by non-governmental schools and not be stifled by their positions in government schools.  Maybe fewer people would agree with the President that our success is not our own, it is attributable to the government.

Krauthammer Hammers Obammer

Did the State Make You Great?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's the Difference?

Based on how politicians make their pitches for votes, I would come to the following conclusions: 1. Republicans must be people who like to work extra hard to make a good income which they would like to keep for themselves by keeping the government out of their lives. 2. Democrats must be people who work (or not), yet would like to have access to other people's money by utilizing the government. I do not think either of these portrayals are entirely correct, but they do come reasonably close. These are also generalizations only. Certainly not every American can be pigeon-holed into one or the other. For me, the important question is this: Which party is more closely in line with operating a government as outlined by the U.S. Constitution?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Alternative America

I must be visiting an alternative America. In this alternative America we have a President who says that if you are successful, it was not because of your hard work. In this America, a "squeaky clean" Mitt Romney is being portrayed as a felon. In this America, the President who refuses to provide documents about his past has his campaign demanding that his opponent release at least ten years of tax records. In this America, photo ID's are required for numerous circumstances, but you dare not require such a thing in order to vote at the polls. in this America, we have managed to elect a socialist as our President. Maybe someday I'll wake up and find out I've been just having a nightmare.

Monday, July 9, 2012

More Random Questions

  • (I believe I've asked this one before)  How can anyone of the Jewish faith even consider voting to re-elect our President?
  • When the employees of the Department of Defense lose their jobs because of this administration's policies, will they be included as jobs lost by the Labor Department?  Will they be factored into the unemployment figures?
  • Are you as tired as I am of the class warfare being promoted by this administration?
  • It seems to me that the Obama Campaign is desperate.  All they seem to want to do is attack Romney's character and not mention the President's record.  Is that all they have?  (I know the answer to this one.)
  • Is what Neal Boortz tweated correct?  That the choice we have is getting a check from Obama or a paycheck by electing Romney?
  • Has the American public been intentionally dumbed down about how America and its Constitution were started?  Have the reputations of the Founding Fathers been tarnished?
  • Have you heard that ALL of the states with newly-elected GOP governors have unemployment rates that are going down?  EVERY one of them!
  • Was the Andy Griffith Show the last TV sit-com that portrayed a father as a decent, responsible person?  In other words, NOT as a moron?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Obama Administration Says "Don't Read...."

The Obama Administration today wrote that we "We should not read too much into one jobs report." I just saw on a website that this very phrase has been used in at least 30 of these statements about jobs reports by this administration. I wonder how many of these lousy reports we are going to have to get before we CAN read something into it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Law I Passed

Today, President Obama said, "The law I passed is here to stay." First of all, how long has he gone without acknowledging the healthcare law? He has been avoiding talking about this legislation for a long time because it would have been bad for him politically. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled, I guess he will lay claim to it once again. Secondly, it exhibits amazing audacity for him to make it sound like he alone passed that bill. I am not surprised though. The President has always appeared full of himself to me. More importantly, this is a call to patriots everywhere to work to prove the President wrong. If it IS here to stay, America will never be the same. And that is not a good thing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

One for the Team

Change Back

   I still believe this is the country that has the greatest amount of freedoms in the world.  In comparison, we are still the best.  Yet I see the gap between us and others as narrowing, and NOT because we are getting even more freedoms.  Our freedoms have been eroding.  This has been a long, slow process until recently.  Under the Obama administration, a jackhammer has been used to destroy our freedoms.  It is no longer a slow process. 
   What do we do about it?  If we want the country of which the Founding Fathers would be proud, we need to change the leadership in this country.  We need a new President.  We need to get control of the Senate.  We need to keep control of the House.  We even need to get rid of some of the wishy-washy Republicans that always want to compromise.  This is NOT the time to compromise.  It is time to stick to the basic principles upon which this country was founded.  Our opportunity to do this comes this November. 
   If we continue down the road we are on, we will end up a socialist country.  To a great extent, we are there already.  Every time socialism has been tried, it has failed.  Hopefully we have learned from others' mistakes. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Did Pelosi Misspeak?

   Maybe Nancy Pelosi should have said that you have to pass the bill in order to find out what's NOT in it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Small Fine Print

   Please tell me if I am wrong.  If you want to stop a bad behavior with a fine, wouldn't you make the fine larger than the cost a person would have to pay if they did NOT pay the fine?  It seems to me that a low fine becomes merely a way to collect revenue, not an effort to change the bad behavior.  If the fine is small enough, people will make the choice to pay the fine rather than change their behavior.
   It seems to me that this is what is happening with Obamacare.  The fine (which has now been declared a tax) is so much smaller than paying the high premiums of health insurance, will cause many to choose the fine.  As a result, the number of people who have no health insurance will increase.  And why would the government want this to happen?  It appears to me that the reason the government is doing this is because the WANT the bad behavior to get worse, so that they can institute a different approach to health insurance in America.  They want the government to take over the entire healthcare business.  They want a single payer system.  They want the ultimate mechanism to control the lives of our people.....the control of our health.  This administration wants to control our behavior, not allow us to be free.
   I am going to do what I can to influence people to vote in such a way as to return our country to the type of country as envisioned by our Founding Fathers....the ones who were willing to die to have the freedoms that we used to have.