- Obamacare has now become an incredibly large tax increase on Americans and American businesses. Granted, this is because the SCOTUS changed the word "mandate" into the word "tax".
- I am baffled that the SCOTUS can make a decision to change the intent of a law while declaring it constitutional. The debate leading to this bill's passage was filled with people, including the President, claiming the mandate was NOT a tax.
- It appears to me that the people who are going to suffer the most from this tax will be the ones making less than $250,000, the very people the President has said will not have a penny added to their taxes.
- Obamacare is not really about getting people treated for their health problems. It is about the government taking control of people's lives. It limits Americans' freedoms. As such, it is imperative that Obamacare gets repealed. This is true regardless of today's decision.
- Sadly, this is why I am not that thrilled that the GOP has to rely on Mitt Romney to carry out this task. He is the one who championed Romneycare in Massachusetts. His credibility on this issue is tainted. I only take comfort in the fact that he is an incredibly better choice than Barack Obama.
- I did not hear the President say the word "tax" in his talk today. I do not think he will be using that term. That means the Republicans will have to go out of their way to use it as often as possible when discussing Obamacare.
- The Federal government has now been told that they can tax the American people on things that they DON'T buy. That is an incredibly scary thought. A huge can of worms has been opened.
- I have yet to personally experience how the "Affordable Care Act" has resulted in my health insurance being more affordable. I also have yet to talk to anyone else who has found that their costs have gone down.
- Obamacare is another policy that will lead this country down the same road that Greece has traveled. We are worse off as a country financially as a result of this bill. It will only get worse if it gets completely implemented. We are on the road to bankruptcy.
- I think Justice Roberts has taken a stick and pounded on a hornets' nest. Americans are going to be even more energized now to vote the President out of office. It make me consider that Roberts had this in mind when making his decision.
- It is once again time for the Tea Party to assert its voice in the next elections. We need conservatives in as many offices as possible. It is my hope that the conservative voices are heard. This blog is my attempt to influence people in this direction. I know I have to do more than that.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Thoughts on the SCOTUS Decision
No Respect
Attorney General Eric Holder lost my respect a long time ago. It is not so much because of the Fast and Furious scandal. I will give him the benefit of the doubt that there are some documents that may rightly be withheld. What really continues to bother me to this day is how the person who is supposed to be head of law enforcement in this country refuses to prosecute two members of the New Black Panthers when there is video proof that they were intimidating voters at a polling place in Philadelphia. That was clearly a violation of the law. Basically, the reason he is not prosecuting is that they are black. He is giving people a "get out of jail free" card to people based on their race. That will get no respect from me. Period.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Civil War?
I think we are presently involved in a civil war in this country. It is not a civil war where citizens are shooting guns at one another. It has certain similarities to the well-known Civil War, but it is also much different. It is a war of ideologies.
In the present civil war, the fight is between those who think that states are sovereign and those who think that the Federal government should have as much power as possible. It is a civil war which pits those who admire how the Founding Fathers established this country, designing the Constitution to form the framework for its governance, against those who think the Constitution is an out-dated document and should be changed or eliminated. It is a civil war in which one side has as its leader one who thinks he has the right to pick and choose which laws he will enforce as the head of the Executive Branch. The other side respects the balance of powers as described in the Constitution. The Attorney General has contributed to this war by bringing lawsuits against several states over several different issues. Several states have taken the bull by the horns and filed lawsuits against the Federal government over the provisions in Obamacare. This civil war is basically one in which one side wants to transform our country into one with an entirely different structure against the other side which would like to return our country to the type of country our Framers envisioned.
So far, there is little or no loss of life in this civil war. I do wonder whether that will continue. It is starting to look like more and more folks on the left side of the political spectrum are considering some sort of violent revolution if their side comes out on the short side of future elections. One of the truly great things about America's history is that we have ALWAYS had a peaceful hand-off of power from one administration to the next. I pray that Americans will choose to continue to live in peace with other Americans. We certainly do not need an un-Civil War.
In the present civil war, the fight is between those who think that states are sovereign and those who think that the Federal government should have as much power as possible. It is a civil war which pits those who admire how the Founding Fathers established this country, designing the Constitution to form the framework for its governance, against those who think the Constitution is an out-dated document and should be changed or eliminated. It is a civil war in which one side has as its leader one who thinks he has the right to pick and choose which laws he will enforce as the head of the Executive Branch. The other side respects the balance of powers as described in the Constitution. The Attorney General has contributed to this war by bringing lawsuits against several states over several different issues. Several states have taken the bull by the horns and filed lawsuits against the Federal government over the provisions in Obamacare. This civil war is basically one in which one side wants to transform our country into one with an entirely different structure against the other side which would like to return our country to the type of country our Framers envisioned.
So far, there is little or no loss of life in this civil war. I do wonder whether that will continue. It is starting to look like more and more folks on the left side of the political spectrum are considering some sort of violent revolution if their side comes out on the short side of future elections. One of the truly great things about America's history is that we have ALWAYS had a peaceful hand-off of power from one administration to the next. I pray that Americans will choose to continue to live in peace with other Americans. We certainly do not need an un-Civil War.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Lack of Execution
After the Supreme Court upheld part of the Arizona immigration law today, the Department of Homeland Security declared they would not honor some calls for assistance from the state of Arizona. I find it shameful that the Executive Branch of our government is so dead set on NOT enforcing the immigration laws of this country. They seem to think that they can pick and choose which laws they will enforce. As I have said so many times before, we need a new Executive.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Nancy Nonsense
Nancy Pelosi says that charging AG Eric Holder with contempt is because he is the one who will prevent the GOP from suppressing the vote in this country. Does she not remember that Holder is the one who refused to pursue charges against two New Black Panthers who were attempting to suppress the vote in Philadelphia?
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
You Can't Make This Stuff Up
Two things happened today.
1. Sheila Jackson-Lee blames President George W. Bush for the Fast and Furious scandal.
2. President Obama invokes executive privilege, thus preventing Attorney General Holder from having to turn over Fast and Furious documents.
My question: Are we supposed to conclude that President Obama is trying to protect Presient Bush's reputation?
Monday, June 18, 2012
Questions about our President's Golf Game
- President Obama just completed his 100th round of golf during his Presidency. I wonder how many times he has BROKEN 100.
- When the President plays golf, does he redistribute his score to the others in his foursome so that they have the same score at the end of the round? It would only be the fair thing to do, right?
- How many mulligans are given to the President per round?
- How many "gimme" putts are given when he plays?
- How many golfers are outraged when they find out their tee times are cancelled because the President wants to play their course?
- Does his administration count the person who takes the flag out of the hole as a "green" job? Is that a job that he has created or saved?
Friday, June 8, 2012
President's Press Briefing
I just got to listen to a portion of President Obama's news conference this morning. The grandchildren kept me from listening to a lot of it, and for that, I am thankful. I continue to be amazed how he can stand up before the American people and make the outrageous statements that he makes. Then he takes a softball question from a reporter and dominates ten more minutes of time spewing forth his talking points. I think he is on the ropes. He is desperate. He continues to push blame on others, while at the same time he takes credit for things that are not even happening.
We need a new President. One who leads.
We need a new President. One who leads.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Lessons from Wisconsin
- The Democrats were guilty of over-reaching in this recall effort.
- Polls, especially exit polls, should be ignored. I now take from the exit polls the exact opposite result to be the most likely result.
- President Obama abandoned the unions. President Obama abandoned Wisconsin.
- President Obama was a big loser in this election.
- The one who should learn the most from the Wisconsin recall effort is Mitt Romney. The lesson he should learn is that a staunch conservative stance is a winning position. There is no need to pander to the middle.
- American voters are fed up with fiscal irresponsibility.
- Many Americans now realize that there is a conflict of interest between public employee unions (especially their leadership) and the government. Those unions provide a slush fund for the Democrat Party, and much of that money comes from folks that are not Democrats.
- No politician should be fearful of labor unions.
- Many people are now of the opinion that the use of recalls is overdone.
- Major progress can be made in deficit reduction without raising taxes. Conservative policies work.
A Different Reality
Unbelievable! Some in the leftist media say that the real winner in the Wisconsin elections last night was President Obama. Dream on!
Friday, June 1, 2012
More Disgusting News from the Justice Department
The state of Florida is making efforts to ensure that future elections are not filled with election fraud. They want to purge the rolls of those who are not legal residents or are dead. However, the U.S. Department of Justice has stepped in to stop their efforts. I can think of no other motivation for this action other than the fact that most of the illegals or ones who would use a dead person's name to vote would be voting for Democrats. What is indeed outrageous is that the Democrats try to paint the GOP as a party that wants to make sure that certain people do not have the opportunity to vote. Don't you think that America can ensure that all legitimate citizens get the opportunity to vote without fraud being part of the process? I certainly do.
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