Just some random thoughts:
- Ann Romney is criticized for being a stay-at-home Mom who shouldn't get involved in the political conversation. Sarah Palin was criticized for NOT remaining a stay-at-home Mom and working outside the home. Bottom line: If you are a conservative woman, you are going to get criticized regardless of what you are doing with your life.
- Jay Carney says he knows three Hilary Rosens in order to handle the kerfuffle she caused. Give me a break!
- The Democrats work hard at making our kids ignorant enough to vote for them. I'm guessing this explains why Jay Carney must think most Americans are going to buy what he said.
- How is it possible that so many Jews intend to vote for Pres. Obama's re-election when the President does so many things which are anti-Israel?
- We're spending $500 million to hire new IRS workers who are going to handle issues regarding Obamacare. If the law is found unconstitutional or repealed, will those workers remain on the job?
- Hilary Rosen's apology wasn't much of an apology. By the end of it, she was saying people should stop this "phony war", implying that conservatives were to blame for the problem.
- Since moms are so much in the conversation the last two days, let me say that it is Trayvon's mom who seems to be the most reasonable person amongst all the people from either side of the issue.
- Have you ever wondered how the media determines which stories are going to become part of the national conversation when they have so many similar stories happening all the time? What makes certain ones more scandalous than the other ones?
And some tongue-in-cheek questions:
- Did the USA shoot down a missile over N. Korea last night?
- Is George Zimmerman being targeted because he has a German name? Should I be worried?
- Will President Obama call Ann Romney after she was insulted by a public figure like he did with Sandra Fluke?
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