Sunday, April 29, 2012

Being Judgmental vs. Speaking the Truth in Love

   There is a religious misunderstanding which I think has been spilling over into the political world.  I would describe it as the proper distinction between being judgmental and speaking the truth in love.  One thing I hear from those on the liberal side of the political spectrum is that I should not be judging others and should instead be tolerant of any variety of behavior.  This ideology which sometimes is even found among other Christians, basically backs the premise that sins as described in the Bible are no longer sins.  Anyone who believes these behaviors are still sins in today's world is therefore considered judgmental.
   First of all, I think this attitude is a convenient one for liberals.  It enables them to find fault with those they consider as right-wing wackos while still quoting Scripture.  "Judge not....."  Secondly, I think this thinking is not properly interpreting the passage about judging others.  The passage deals with an individual considering themselves as "better than thou" and does not indicate that one should not be judging whether a behavior is one which is sinful or not. 
   We, as Christians, certainly should not be in the business of saying we are better than others.  But Scripture is very clear that we should not be tolerant of sin.  It also is very clear that we have a God who does not change.  We need to acknowledge the sin that exists in our life, and we need to confess that sin.  Believing in Jesus and His sacrifice, we know we are forgiven, not because of anything we do, but because of what He has done for us.  It is then our responsibility to tell the truth of both the Law and the Gospel.  God tells us that we are to speak the truth IN LOVE.  We care enough about others that we communicate the dangers of sin as well as the great news of the Gospel.  If we are wishy-washy about the truth of sin and become fearful of others considering us intolerant, then we are not following God's instructions.  On the other hand, if we are just in the business of noticing others' sins without being penitent ourselves, we are also not in accordance with His will.  Then we would become like the folks at Westboro Baptist who I feel are giving Christianity a bad name.  We would not be speaking the truth in love.
   What was once a sin is still a sin.  That truth is important to tell.  Jesus died for our sins.  That truth is even more important to tell.
   Another truth is that Jesus is the ONLY way to be saved.  Believing that will often get us declared to be intolerant too.  That discussion may be a post for another day.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Which Road?

The news today is that growth of our GDP is at a measly 2.2%. The unemployment rate has been over 8% under the entire three years of this administration. The national debt has gone up ove $5 trillion in three years. Gas prices have doubled. The median average income has decreased. The housing market is still dismal. I could go on and on. To me, the choice in November is clear. Anybody but the incumbent. I am the first to admit that I am not thrilled with Mitt Romney, but it is just too important for the future of America that we get a new President. Our present one is leading us down the road to bankruptcy. in my opinion, he is also leading us down the road to socialism. I really try hard not to believe this, but the most obvious conclusion you can make based on decisions coming out of this administration is that they want America to be unsuccessful. I hope I am wrong. One thing is for sure in my mind. This country is heading down the same road that Greece has gone, and we need to make a U-turn.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rev. Obama Finds More Victims

   The last few days, President Obama has been warning that if Congress doesn't act, the interest on college loans will double.  This is precious.  It was the Democrats that wrote the legislation that planned to have this low interest rate on student loans expire right before the election.  It was also the Democrats who decided to take over the whole student loan program.  And the Republicans are in agreement that these low rates should be extended.  Despite that, the President chooses to still attempt to make the Republicans the villains.  How typical.  Can I have an Amen?
   You just watch.  Before the election, the President will promise that he will make efforts to have student loans forgiven.  What a guy.  Can I have another Amen?

Monday, April 23, 2012

What Will the Future Hold?

I have been visiting two of my grandchildren the last couple of days. For the most part, these two little ones are full of smiles, and they certainly bring smiles to Grandma and Grumps. However, I cannot help but think about the possibility that their future is very much in doubt. Will they experience a life like mine has been. Will they be blessed with the same kind of freedoms which I have known during my lifetime, or will the government continue it's present course of slowly robbing its citizens of its constitutional rights? Will the America in their future be one typified by free market capitalism, or will it drift into full-fledged socialism....or worse? Will my grandchildren find themselves in country whose debt is so large that it stifles any kind of economic success? Will my grandchildren be able to worship as they please? Will they study the Constitution as an important document, or will it be considered an outdated, irrelevant piece of fiction? Will my granchildren's America be the world leader it is now, or will it have to submit to the wills of other nations? Will it still have sovereign borders? I wish I was more confident about what is ahead of them. I do know that each election we have in this country is an important one. We are always just one generation away from losing our freedom. Let it never be said that I didn't stand up for the principles upon which this country was founded.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Gotta Vent Again

Now I hear that a group of atheists is trying to sue the Catholics for violating IRS rules which say non-profits cannot get involved in political speech. I guess religious organizations are supposed to let the government take away their freedom of religion without the opportunity to protest. At the same time Media Matters somehow has tax-exempt status too. Tell me they don't get involved in political speech! And how many times have Democratic candidates stood in pulpits around America over the years delivering election speeches? I do believe this angers me.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Change Looks Like

"And in just three years, because of what you did in 2008, we’ve begun to see what change looks like. We’ve begun to see it." ...President Barack Obama. And he is bragging! Wow! Just.......Wow!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Handling Other People's Money

I have found that I deal with spending my own money and spending someone else's money differently. I have been in positions where I have had the responsibility of handling someone else's money. With that responsibility in mind, I have been especially careful in spending and accounting for that money. Much careful thought went into making spending decisions, knowing that those decisions might have an impact on the success of the organization. I know that I would certainly have the money available before making any purchases. On occasion, when I felt something was especially needed for which we did not have the money, efforts were made to raise the funds for it. If the organization's money ran out, I would do what I could to stop spending. With my own money, I find myself not agonizing over finding the best bargains. I often buy things which cost more just because it may be more convenient. Sometimes I pay more in order to support a business owned by someone I care about. I figure it is money that I have earned. I can spend it the way I want.
Apparently, there are other people out there that act in ways that are opposite mine. When handling other people's money, they become free and loose with those decisions. They also use other people's money to support their friends' businesses. If they do not have the money available to them, they often simply borrow it, and the organization is deeper in debt. In some cases, these people manage to spend someone else's money on themselves. I know that I could not live with myself if I made these kind of decisions. I would be consumed with guilt.
So I perceive that there are two basic kinds of people. The first kind is the kind like me who is MORE careful with someone else's money(and I am guessing that you are also in that group). The second kind of people would be the kind that works for our government these days.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Taxing the Outgo

   The US really needs tax reform.  The more I think about it, the more I am in favor of some sort of consumption tax to replace the income tax.  The Fair Tax is the plan I lean toward right now.  That plan has a method for accommodating the poor.  It also has a lot of research behind it which has been used to determine a tax rate that would bring in the right amount of revenue to pay the government's bills.  If properly legislated, it should have provisions to make it very difficult to change the tax rate.
   One of the big problems that our present tax code has is that is places too much leverage in the hands of the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, DC on both sides of the aisle.  That is also why it is going to be very difficult to get such a tax policy passed and signed into law.  However, if we are interested in what is most beneficial for our country, Americans should work to make positive change happen.
   One of the big benefits of a consumption tax is the elimination of all tax breaks and loopholes.  The amount of tax a person pays will be determined by the choices individuals make in spending their money.  As it is now, one does not have choice in the amount of their taxes unless they choose to have less income.  It is time for our government to not only get spending under control, but also to reform the way it collects money from its citizens.  If you are like me, you are also fed up with the class warfare that is going on with regard to the present tax system.  Let's get rid of it and start all over.