Wednesday, March 4, 2015

State vs. State

     It is my understanding that the Supreme Court is presently in the business of determining how the word "state" is used in a particular place in the Obamacare law.  The states which are bringing this case to the court system are claiming that "state" means one of the 50 states that make up our country.  The lawyers in the Obama administration are claiming that "state" means the entirety of the Federal government.

     If the Supreme Court decides in favor of the Obama administration and allows Obamacare to continue as is, then I submit that we would have to change the name of our country.  Why would we retain the name, United STATES of America when the Supreme Court has determined "state" means only one STATE.  We would have to call it the United STATE of America. Then it would no longer require the word "United".  You only need that word if there are not a bunch of states that agree to be united.  I would then further argue that it would not make sense to keep "of America" at the end of our country's name.  It would be superfluous.  Consequently, our new name would be simply State and we citizens (and non-citizens for that matter) would be mere minions of the State.

     Then it would be necessary to throw out the Constitution.  After all, it says, "We the people of the United States of America....."  We would no longer fit that description.

      And there you have it.  President Obama wins.  He no longer has to abide by the limiting words of that stifling Constitution.  Out with the Congress.  Out with the Supreme Court.  He rules the State.  Executive orders would become dictatorial orders.

     Now on to the control the world.......

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