Monday, December 17, 2012

Testosterone Deficit Disorder

   A few years ago, I sat with a group of school administrators during a teachers conference.  The question was asked of those in the group about what quality each of us uniquely added to the schools where we served.  In my usual sarcastically humorous way, I decided to go for the laugh and said, "Testosterone".  I was serving at a school at which, other than the pastor, I was the only male on the staff.  Although I was going for a chuckle, and did indeed get several, I do believe that there is what I will describe as a testosterone deficit disorder in American schools....public, private, and parochial.
   There is a disturbingly low percentage of male teachers in our schools.  One report I read said that over 80% of teachers in public schools are women.  Before I proceed with my thoughts, let me say that there are absolutely wonderful ladies teaching in classrooms all over the country, and our children need the motherly, nurturing kind of care that only women can give.  However, the miniscule number of men in the classrooms is problematic. 
   When I began teaching in the 1970's, I served at a school that at one time had five men teachers on a staff of seven.  We even had a male Kindergarten teacher, which in those days was almost unheard of.  I have great memories of those days.  In today's schools, such a proportion is extinct. 
   Later in my career, I was one of two sixth grade teachers at a school.  Many single moms would request that their child be placed in my class, not because of any superior teaching on my part, but because they wanted a father figure for their children that was missing at home.  It was an understandable.
   I have a few thoughts about how this testosterone deficit disorder may have impacted the horrible events that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  I believe that it is especially male students who are affected by the shortage of male influence in the schools.  Without that male influence, I think boys end up without some of what I would describe as manly traits.  They experience a world where most of the authority comes from females.  Men as authorities have been marginalized.  To be honest about it, I think a lot of the blame for this goes squarely on the male population which in a great part has abandoned the leadership responsibilities they should have.  To many, there is also confusion over the gender roles they should play in society.  I really have to wonder whether this killer in Connecticut was influenced negatively because of the lack of positive male role models in his life.  After all, he was apparently from a broken home.
   It is not hard to figure out why more men do not enter the teaching profession.  Society does not exactly hold the male teacher in high regard.  If the teacher is single and cares very much about children, they can often be perceived as being gay.  I know.  It has happened to me.  There are also so many other occupations out there which would provide a much larger salary as well.  Also, it has become increasingly true that all it takes to ruin a male teacher's career is the mere false charge of sexual impropriety with children.  I understand why we are not getting men to become teachers.
   I have looked at the list of staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary.  There is only one male listed on the staff, that being the custodian.  ALL of the educators in that school were women.  And I might add that they were unarmed women.  It just seems to me that a place which is known to be a gun-free zone, populated by almost all women and children, would be an incredibly soft target.  And it was.  There are stories coming out of this tragedy that indicate those women acted in incredibly courageous ways to defend those innocent children.  They are heroes.  However, I have to think that had there been knowledge of that school having some imposing male figures present on a daily basis, this young killer may have made a different choice.
   I know that if there is such a thing as testosterone deficit disorder, it was not the only factor leading up to this horrific event.  I also know that the biggest factor in events like this is sin, and it does not help to have schools that go out of their way to make sure that God is not talked about there.  Our country needs a cultural restoration....a spiritual restoration.....a moral restoration.   In conclusion, I would also add that what is needed with regard to testosterone deficit disorder is to get back to the gender roles as described in God's Word.  But, you see, those are not considered politically correct nowadays.  Alas.

1 comment:

  1. I think I just pointed out that the females were unarmed, and thus defenseless. I wasn't advocating having all teachers packing heat. Thanks for the comment. Merry Christmas.
