Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Random Political Thoughts

Some more quick thoughts about politics:
  • There seems to be so much angst over whether Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.  I say, "Ask Israel."
  • I do not think the matter of taking reference to God out of the Democrats indicates that the Democrats are godless.  However, it does indicate a shyness on their part to declare their belief in God.  I think that is sad.
  • It seems that the official fact-checkers in the media need to have fact-checkers.
  • My impression is that the Democrats look angrier than the Republicans.  The big question, though, will be which group will be more energized and gets to the polls in higher numbers.  Right now, I think the Republicans have the edge.
  • One of the most audacious speeches was made by Harry Reid who accused the Republicans of obstructing the work of the Congress.  This is the same Harry Reid who has orchestrated over 1200 days of NOT passing a budget.
  • I think the Democrats are making a mistake in going as far as they have on the issue of abortion.  They have changed a previous plank which described abortion as safe, legal, and rare into one which says abortion should be safe, legal, and tax-funded.  One poll I have seen indicates that only 25% of Americans want that.  There are plenty more that support abortion, but do not feel that American taxpayers ought to pay for it.
  • I continue to ask myself why in the world Jewish voters would support the Democrat Party, especially with Barack Obama on their ticket.  It makes absolutely no sense when you see his actions and policies.
  • Headlining Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton is certainly interesting, especially since the Democrats are trying to portray the GOP as fighting a War on Women.
  • I side with the folks who say that the decision to move the President's speech indoors is not just a decision made based on the weather.  I think they had real trouble filling the seats.  All along, they had been speaking in terms of "rain or shine" when discussing potential weather concerns.  I also think they were horrified by the possibility of the GOP making hay out of the "empty chair" meme.
  • I know the Democrats are not about to mention Fast and Furious, but I would like the GOP to attempt to make that policy a part of the campaign conversation.

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